Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cancun, Mexico

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011.
Today was a fairly normal race-Except for one little thing, TODAY WAS THE LAST RACE!! Tensions were high. Unfortunately our team did not move on. Team Insert Name Here went on. I'm pretty sure we came 9th overall. So, as I was saying, today was a fairly normal race. There was, as is usual, a frusterating question. we had to build a Mayan temple with 6 steps out of math cubes. But, there weren't enough cubes for every team. So, we were told to team up. we joined Team Inside-Outers. Still, no groups had enough cubes. In the end we got to skip that question. Other than that we enjoyed this race.
                                          ^Mayan Temple/Pyramid

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Brazil Race

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
^Hotel Unique in Brazil.

Today we went to Brazil. We had some difficulties printing the flight due to the wrong printer being selected. On the second question we had to answer about a soccer Stadium in Brazil. We also had to play some "soccer." Kayla did this challenge.In order to play this soccer she had to be on her hands and feet. and get a goal from each of the three starting points. We also had to answer a question about Hotel Unique.
                                                                     -Purple Tigers