Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cancun, Mexico

Tuesday, June 14th, 2011.
Today was a fairly normal race-Except for one little thing, TODAY WAS THE LAST RACE!! Tensions were high. Unfortunately our team did not move on. Team Insert Name Here went on. I'm pretty sure we came 9th overall. So, as I was saying, today was a fairly normal race. There was, as is usual, a frusterating question. we had to build a Mayan temple with 6 steps out of math cubes. But, there weren't enough cubes for every team. So, we were told to team up. we joined Team Inside-Outers. Still, no groups had enough cubes. In the end we got to skip that question. Other than that we enjoyed this race.
                                          ^Mayan Temple/Pyramid

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Brazil Race

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
^Hotel Unique in Brazil.

Today we went to Brazil. We had some difficulties printing the flight due to the wrong printer being selected. On the second question we had to answer about a soccer Stadium in Brazil. We also had to play some "soccer." Kayla did this challenge.In order to play this soccer she had to be on her hands and feet. and get a goal from each of the three starting points. We also had to answer a question about Hotel Unique.
                                                                     -Purple Tigers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


May 19,2011
< This is the flag of Morocco.
In this race we had to go outside for two of the challenges. The first outdoor challenge was making sandcastles, which was rather easy. The second challenge was not so easy. we had to dig for buried treasure in the sand-With our Hands. Under normal circumstances this would have been fun, but when your in a rush, it's not quite so fun. But in the end we did find our "treasure." The treasure was chocolate :).
-The Purple Tigers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kenya Race

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Todays amazing race was to Kenya.We didn't finish this race. A big factor was that we got really frusterated with one of the games because we couldn't finish it. We learned about zorbing-a sport in New Zealand. Zorbing is the Olympic Symbol for a town in Russia. We also had to do 5 laps of running around the school yard. This was to show how much running the 6 year olds in Kenya had to endure. We also learned the 5 animals that make up the "big 5." The animals were: The white rhino, the elephant, the lion, the cape buffalo and the leopard.   
                                                                           -Purple Tigers
<this is the picture we would have had to
                                                                     find for the last question. it is a picture of Mara Serena Safari Lodge.

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Zealand Race

May 2nd, 2011 1:45pm. 
Today we stated in China then went to New Zealand. Did you know that dog meat was banned during the 2008 Summer Olympics? There was a fast-forward in this race, but no one won it. The task was to eat fortune cookies and try to find the ''fast forward'' fortune. We also had a ''Chance'' in this race. We had to roll a dice to determine our fate. We got lucky and had twelve hours taken off our total hours. We think that someone dropped the fortune. Gordon also learned about the
Vanuatu land diving. We ended the race in 8th place.
Kelsey and Kayla : D

Updated news

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 1:00pm
    We went to China/Nepal this week. We saw the Great wall of China and climbed Mount Everest. we will post the game later. We did really good at the climbing Everest game. We watched a video on Chinese bone stretching. We also completed a quiz on Everest. We will also post this link later.We would like to thank Mrs Marshall for letting us compete. :)
                        -Purple Tigers

<The Great Wall of China

Friday, April 15, 2011

Two More Races...

April 8:     We started off today in first but got yielded. We ended up tied in second place. It's actually kind of funny because we were tied with the team that yielded us. We felt really proud after hearing this.
April 14:   We had some trouble with one of the questions today. Everyone was put to the same place on the first clue. We dropped down to second last place because of this. Oh well, we tried our best.

                     -Purple Tigers

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Real Races

Thursday, April 7th, 2011
Today was the third real amazing race.That means that time actually gets added.
The first race Kelsey was by herself. She went to Texas.
Texas Flag, Shaped like Texas itself!!

The second race we went to Iceland.
Flag Of Iceland
Today we went to Italy. We think we're doing fairly well overall.
 Wish us luck!!!
                   -Purple Tigers

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

overall progress

Last Thursday we did our last practice race. Here is how we're doing so far:
1st Race: We went to B.C. We did not finish this race.
2nd Race: We went to Orlando, Florida for this race! We came in first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3rd Race: We did not finish, again :p. We got to go to Las Vegas!
4th Race: We finished but are not aware of what place we came in. We left North America for the first time this race!!
                                               Above is the Peruvian Flag
Overall we are proud of ourselves. :)